Tu B'Shvat Tefillah for a Beautiful Esrog
יהי רצון מלפניך י-ה-ו-ה א-לה-ינו וא-לה-י אבותינו, שתברך כל אילנות האתרוג להוציא פירותי-הם בעתם, ויוציאו אתרוגים טובים יפים ומהדרים ונקיים מכל מום, ולא יעלה בהם שות חזזית, וי-היו שלמים ולא י-הי-ה בהם שום חסרון ואפילו עקיצת קוץ ויהיו מצויים לנו ולכל ישראל בכל מקום שהם, לקים בהם מצות נטילה עם הלולב בחג הסכות שיבא עלינו לחיים טובים ולשלום, כאשר צויתנו בתורתך על ידי משה עבדך, "ולקחתם לכם ביום הראשון פרי עץ הדר כפות תמרים וענף עץ עבות וערבי נחל"(ויקרא: כ"ג, מ), ויהי רצון מלפניך י-ה-ו-ה א-להי-נו וא-לה-י אבותינו, שתעזרנו ותסעינו לקים מצוה זו של נטילת לולב הדס ערבה ואתרוג, כתקנה בזמנה בחג הסכות שיבא עלינו לחיים טובים ולשלום בשמחה ובטוב לבב, ותזמין לנו אתרוג יפה ומהדר ונקי ושלם וכשר כהלכתו.
"May it be Your Will, HaShem, our G-d, and The G-d of our forefathers, that You bless all of the esrog trees to bear their fruit at the proper time, and that they shall bear esrogim that are good, nice, beautiful, and clean from all blemish, and that no lichen should come upon them, and that they shall be complete and they should not have any deficiencies, even pricked by a thorn. These esrogim should be available for us and for all of Israel in every place that they are, in order to fulfill the mitzvah of taking [the esrog] with the lulav on the Holiday of Succos, that shall come to us with good life, and with peace, as You have written in Your Torah by way of Moshe, Your servant, "And on the first day you shall take for yourselves a beautiful fruit of the tree, date frond, and branch of a myrtle tree, and [branches from a] willow brook..." (Vayikra: 23; 40) May it be Your Will, HaShem, our G-d, and The G-d of our forefathers, that You Help us and Assist us in this mitzvah of taking the lulav, myrtle, willow, and esrog, in the proper manner, in its proper time, on the Holiday of Succos, that shall come upon us for good life, and peace, with happiness and good-heartedness, and that You shall make a nice, beautiful esrog [that is] clean [of all blemishes and deficiencies], and complete, and kosher, according to its laws, accessible to us.
"May it be Your Will, HaShem, our G-d, and The G-d of our forefathers, that You bless all of the esrog trees to bear their fruit at the proper time, and that they shall bear esrogim that are good, nice, beautiful, and clean from all blemish, and that no lichen should come upon them, and that they shall be complete and they should not have any deficiencies, even pricked by a thorn. These esrogim should be available for us and for all of Israel in every place that they are, in order to fulfill the mitzvah of taking [the esrog] with the lulav on the Holiday of Succos, that shall come to us with good life, and with peace, as You have written in Your Torah by way of Moshe, Your servant, "And on the first day you shall take for yourselves a beautiful fruit of the tree, date frond, and branch of a myrtle tree, and [branches from a] willow brook..." (Vayikra: 23; 40) May it be Your Will, HaShem, our G-d, and The G-d of our forefathers, that You Help us and Assist us in this mitzvah of taking the lulav, myrtle, willow, and esrog, in the proper manner, in its proper time, on the Holiday of Succos, that shall come upon us for good life, and peace, with happiness and good-heartedness, and that You shall make a nice, beautiful esrog [that is] clean [of all blemishes and deficiencies], and complete, and kosher, according to its laws, accessible to us.