Sunday, August 06, 2006

Parshas Va'Eschanan: Israel is At War with Lebanon, Not Just Hezbollah

After concluding the three weeks, with Israel losing 44 soldiers and over 30 civilians, things are turning more in Israel's favor. Though improved military strategy has led to an improvement in the situation, with Israel beginning to get the upper hand (not as keen to send soldiers in to booby-trapped terrorist enclaves), the most obvious reason for this turnaround in Israel's favor is the conclusion of the three-weeks of Jewish mourning, historically a hard time for the Jews. It is still the month of Av, however, I believe that Israel will continue to see success in its war on Lebanon.


Who is Israel fighting Hezbollah or all of Lebanon?

Official reports repeatedly make the claim that Israel is waging a war against the 2,000 - 3,000 Hezbollah terrorists. In defense of Lebanon, claims are made that the army of Lebanon can't hold the terrorists at bay. Who is Israel really fighting against? Unofficially (truthfully) this war that Israel is fighting is directly against Lebanon and less directly against Syria and Iran.

Who says that Lebanon views itself as one with the Hezbollah terrorists?

The president of Lebanon, the same guy crying about false claims that Israel is starving civilians. Early last week, it was reported that the president of Lebanon said that a victory by Hezbollah would be a victory of the entire Lebanese nation. In admiration of Hezbollah, in an interview with Spiegel, President Lahoud said, "Hezbollah enjoys utmost prestige in Lebanon, because it freed our country. All over the Arab world you hear: Hezbollah maintains Arab honor, and even though it is very small, it stands up to Israel. And of course Nasrallah has my respect.

In a CNN interview about two weeks ago, the Lebanese president had the following to say about the relationship with the Lebanese and Hezbollah:

"ROBERTSON: Do you mean the army supports Hezbollah at this time in their fight against Israel?

LAHOUD: ...[O]ur thanks comes when we are united, and we are really united, and the national army is doing its work according to the government, and the resistance is respected in the whole Arab world from the population point of view. And very highly respected in Lebanon as well.

ROBERTSON: If you were to call on the army now to stop Hezbollah from attacking Israel, to stop Israel therefore attacking Lebanon. Would that divide the army along sectarian lines? Would the Shiites in the army go with Hezbollah?

LAHOUD: In the first place, I wouldn't give such an order. Believe me, Hezbollah has done a lot for Lebanon in liberating this land. ... Hezbollah is part of the government. All of these subjects can be talked about after the cease-fire, because if you talk about it now it's up to the decision of the Lebanese to decide that and the government...

We're going to stay united, and that's what makes the strength of Lebanon. And we want ourselves to solve our problems, not to force these problems on us. Because when you force these problems, believe me, when we are united nobody can do it. And the proof is that when in 2000 nobody believed we could liberate our land but we could do it because the Lebanese were united and the national army was with the united Lebanon and with the resistance (Hezbollah)."

Iran and Syria - Official Arms Providers to Lebanon's "unofficial" army - Hezbollah:

Lebanon views itself as one with the Hezbollah and is armed Syria and Iran for the sole purpose of attacking innocent Jews in Israel. Recently it was reported that Iran provided Hezbollah terrorists with an upgraded Zelzal missile with up to a 250 mile range, making it capable of hitting the Dimona nuclear reactor in the Negev.


That which brings peace to the Jewish People is through the power of Torah learning (among other things). In the end of tractate Berachos, we learn that "Rabbi Elazar said in the name of Rabbi Chaninah: 'Torah scholars increase peace in the world... great is the peace for those who love the Torah, and they do not have a stumbling block.'"

The original Palestinians, living thousands of years ago worshiped "Ba'al Zvuv" - "Master Fly". The current Palestinians, as well as many of Israel's neighbors in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran all have such an intense hatred of Israel that they would be willing to inflict strong hit on the Jews of Israel even if they were to suffer destruction. These are the people that celebrate dying in the war against the Jew.

Why do they hate the Jews so much?

Generally, a normal country who has an enemy is only willing to fight the enemy if they have a reasonable chance of victory. Amalek is different as its mission is to fight against knowledge of HaShem and its purveyors, the Jewish People, with a literally suicidal hatred. The only way to defeat such an enemy is to follow the command of HaShem and completely wipe them out. These are people that are willing to die in a losing war if they will murder Jews in the process, chas v'shalom. It is the fly that the original Palestinians worshiped that can give us some insight into Israel's enemies today. In Perek Shirah it is the fly which represents the time when the Jewish People do not learn the Torah. It is the fly that the original Palestinians made into their god. Our enemies want nothing less than no Torah. The Torah threatens them so greatly because that is what insures Jewish survival, and, most importantly, is the Jewish guidebook to spread the knowledge of G-d throughout the world. It is the power of Torah that defeats our enemies as we see from the following quote included in the beginning of Perek Shirah: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him bread, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. For you are raking coals on his head and HaShem shall pay you [in recompense]." (Mishlei: 25; 21 - 22) Water and bread are compared to Torah. From these verses, King Solomon teaches us that the way to defeat our enemies is through the power of Torah. Our enemies would be happy to see our shields go down by stopping our Torah learning and observance. It is for us to crush their "fly" by keeping strong in our study and upholding the Torah. It is from our parsha of Va'eschanan (Devarim: 4; 40) that we learn that only through upholding the Torah do we hold onto our land in spite of our enemies.


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