Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Opposing the so-called "Pride Parade"

We are living in a time when there is constantly the threat of war hanging over the Jewish People in Israel, not to mention the threat of World War, with Iran building up a nuclear arsenal with the not-so-hidden intention to use such weapons against the Jewish People in Israel, Heaven Forbid. Now, intelligence experts in Israel are warning of a war with Syria, this war may break out as early as this summer, chas v'shalom. Taking into account last year's war with the Hezbollah, it is all the more obvious how much more so we are in need of HaShem's Help to protect us - HaShem's sheep - surrounded by packs of dangerous lions.

Now, in spite of all of this, the enemies of of HaShem and of The Torah, are determined to trample on the holiness of our dear city of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) by parading through Jerusalem in under fourteen (14) hours, Heaven Forbid. These people who are taking part in the parade don't care that their "lifestyle" is considered to be an abomination by HaShem Himself, nor do they care that the vast majority of Jerusalem strongly opposes this march through Jerusalem.

Nevertheless, those individuals who hope to take part in the parade - the self-described paragons of tolerance - hope to display that "tolerance" in spite of all of those "intolerant" people who don't want their children exposed to a "lifestyle" which is truly an abomination. The "powers that be" - including the "Court" seem to not be taking much interest in preventing the "parade". See some of my previous posts related to the "pride parade".

Ignoring all of the danger that the Jewish People currently find themselves in, it seems as if the "powers-that-be" in Israel are forgetting - probably ignoring - the Lebanon War of last year and the unprecedented number of planned terrorist attacks which preceded/coincided with the planned time for the "international pride parade". Especially in times of war, we are warned against giving in to a state of immodesty and promiscuity, as we learn in Targum Yonasan ben Uziel on Devarim (23; 15). See some of my previous posts related to the dangers of promiscuity. It is our obligation, as we have the G-d given ability to protest, to do what we can in opposition to this "parade". We should send letters to elected officials, including to Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupoliansky - see below for his contact information.



FAX: +972-2-6296014, +972-2-6296004

Eliahu Yishai - head of the Shas party: Fax #: +972-2-666-2909, email

Form letter to religious officials:

Dear Mayor Lupoliansky (name of other official),

I join my voice along with the majority of the residents of The Holy City of Jerusalem and many others worldwide, to oppose the "pride parade" scheduled for today. It is our responsibility to uphold the dignity of Yerushalayim, and not let the few override the many who are opposed to such a disgrace of our Holy City.
Additionally, this event and events like it, threaten the security and stability in the city.

G-d has given you the power and influence to oppose this parade.
If the people feel that through you they have a voice within the government, vigilantism will diminish and there will be security and stability. Even if you're not successful in stopping the parade, clear public statements of opposition would still have a tremendous impact socially and spiritually. May HaShem grant you success in these endeavors to save the Jewish People from such parades that detract from the holiness of our Holy City of Jerusalem.

Your Name

Form letter to secular officials:

Jerusalem Police: Fax# +972-2-5391391. If the Jerusalem police can be convinced that the parade is a security risk, they would likely call it off.

Dear ____,

I want to register my serious concern, along with a majority of the residents of Jerusalem and many others worldwide, over the upcoming "pride parade". Such a parade is anathema to the character of the City of Jerusalem and greatly offends the values and the sensibilities of its residents. Additionally, this event and events like it, threaten the security and stability in the city.

Even if you're not successful in stopping the parade, clear public statements of opposition would still have make an important political and social impact. If the people feel that through you they have a voice within the goverment, vigilantism will diminish and there will be security and stability. I urge you to fulfill your obligation to serve the people of Jerusalem and preserve the character of this holy city.

Your Name

We hope that HaShem will cancel the "pride parade", especially now that many Jews have made their voices heard in opposition to such a defilement of the holiness and sanctity of the Jewish People and of The Holy City of Jerusalem. HaShem cancelled the parade for the last two years, G-d Willing it will be cancelled this year as well.

May we have the merit in joining together with everyone else who has made their voices heard in opposition to such a parade. Amein!

Please make your opposition known against this "parade".

May we all merit to see the Holiness of Jerusalem completely restored with the coming of the Mashiach speedily in our days. Amein!


Sefer Chasidim (153): "...And you have saved your nefesh" (Yechezkhel) However it doesn't say you merited - zachisa - or you were correct - tzadakta, rather you have saved your nefesh - hitzalta. From here [we learn] that for everything that a person is punished and he doesn't warn him to say "do not do it", behold, [then with regards to] all of the punishment that [the sinner] receives, it is considered as if this one [who failed to warn the sinner in advance], killed him, for he should have warned him and didn't warn him and the blood of [the sinner] is demanded from [the one who could have warned the sinner]. This is [the meaning of] "...and I shall seek out his blood from your hands". (Yechezkhel: 3; 18)

Sha'arei Teshuvah (Sha'ar 3): And Shlomo said [in Mishlei] (24; 10) "You have made yourself weak on a day of trouble, your power has been limited." The explanation of the above being, "If you possess the power to save with advice or with effort and you make yourself appear as if you don't have the ability - your power will [then] be limited, middah k'neged middah. Subsequently, [Shlomo writes in pasuk 12], "Perhaps you shall say, 'Behold, we did not know of this', Behold The One who establishes hearts, He will understand, and The One Who formed your soul, He will know, and He shall return to the person according to his action." Behold, holding back from rescuing and [from] giving advice toward saving, The Holy One, Blessed is He, will consider it as if this person acted [in the negative].

Menoras Ha'Maor, chapter 3: Therefore, [one who is] a fitting leader, if he is an important person and it is fitting to listen to his words, he is obligated to rebuke the sinners and to object to [their sinning] - v'limchos b'yadam - until they perform teshuvah. And if he doesn't rebuke them and doesn't object, [the sinners] are destroyed in their evil and he is punished concerning them, as it says, "when he says to the evildoer, '[Evildoer], you shall surely die' and you did not speak to him to warn the evildoer [to return] from his path (of evil, in order to allow him to live), he is an evildoer, due to his sin he shall die and I shall seek his blood from your hand. (See Yechezkhel (3; 18) However, if you warned him and he did not return from his sin, he (the evildoer) shall die due to his sin, and you have rescued yourself. [Furthermore], we learn in maseches "Shabbos", "[Concerning] all of those who are able to object [to the wrongful actions of the people of his city and he doesn't object, he is held accountable for the people of his city."


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